Nihon Superior Grants Rights for Sub-Licensing the SN100C Patent to BALVER ZINN.
Nihon Superior is pleased to announce that it granted rights for sub-licensing the SN100C patent to BALVER ZINN on September 15, 2013.BALVER ZINN Josef Jost GmbH & Co. KG is one of the original licensees of the SN100C patent.
BALVER ZINN is a leading manufacturer of lead-free solder and has promoted SN100C with great enthusiasm over the more than 11 years it has been a licensee of this patent.
Nihon Superior has decided to grant rights for sub-licensing to BALVER ZINN as part of a plan to widen the recognition and availability of SN100C around the world.
Nihon Superior will itself be pleased to consider requests for SN100C licences.