Terms of Use

Website Terms of Use

This website (http://www.nihonsuperior.co.jp/english/) is managed by Nihon Superior Co., Ltd (hereinafter “we”). We would like visitors to the website to confirm acceptance of the conditions set out below that apply to its use. We have changed the content of the website and so need the confirmation of existing users to reconfirm their acceptance of the terms of use. Since we usually have on this website links to the websites of other associated companies these conditions apply equally to those sites.


We provide no guarantees in regard to the content of this website. Since from time to time we change, delete or cancel some or all of the contents of the website without prior notice we do not guarantee the proper functioning and security of this website. Since we do not guarantee the proper function and security we might suspend or discontinue the website without prior notice. We shall not be responsible in any way for any damages that may result from a mistake/changes/deletion of the contents of the website or discontinuation of the URL at which the website resides or any other problem that might occur. And we shall not be held responsible for any damage that might occur as a result of use of this website.


The information contained in documents, diagrams, pictures, photographs that appear on the website (hereinafter “the contents”) are protected by The Copyright Law. The reproduction, reselling or diversion of material from the website is prohibited. It is not illegal for people to download without permission content offered on the website as long as the material is for private use at home. If the customers passes any content of this website to a third party we consider that to fall outside the commercial purposes of this website.
We do not permit the use of copyright, patent, trademark or any other intellectual property on this website.

Trademark Rights

The right to use trade names, trademarks or logos of Nihon Superior or other companies on this website is protected by The Trademark Law, Prevention of Unfair Competition Law and other laws and regulations. These cannot be used without permission.

Application for Links to this website

The link available for this website is the home page (http://www.nihonsuperior.co.jp/english/). If you wish to use on your website a link to any other part of this website please apply via the inquiry form.

Any websites practicing the following must not be linked to our website.

  1. Websites that include contents intended to be abusive to our company, its directors, employees or products or to this website,
  2. Websites that include contents that is contrary to the public order and standards of decency, or which is illegal
  3. Websites that could make the identification of the material from our website difficult because of the use of frames or for any other reason.
  4. Any website that we consider inappropriate

Governing Law And Jurisdiction

The use of this website and any matter relating to this website shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan and all the lawsuits relating to this website shall be exclusively brought in the Osaka District Court of Japan.